How to switch user in BlinkLearning
Through the web
Through the App
How to switch user in BlinkLearning
If you have one or more users in BlinkLearning and you share the same device, you have to log out to switch users. The process depends on whether you access through the web or through the App.
Through the web
Click on your profile picture and choose LOG OUT .

You will be taken back to the home screen to log in with a new e-mail and password.

Through the App
The App performs a personalised download of the content in your user, taking up space on your device, regardless of its type (mobile phone, computer, tablet, Chromebook) or operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Chrome OS, Android). To switch users within the same session, you need to delete the App from your applications and download it again to install your new user.

This is how the App normally works; it is not possible to immediately switch between users, as it does not work like a web browser, but downloads the content and stores it in your device. Another way to have two Apps with different users on the same device is to have multiple login sessions on your device (for example, an administrator session and a guest session).
Keep in mind that by deleting the App you are not deleting your account, you will keep your user and all content (books, classes, grades, messages...) and you will be able to reinstall it again at any time.

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