Project 1: Make your own 3D relief model of Spain

A spoon or a whisk
A large template of the Iberian Peninsula
Paint (blue, green, yellow, orange, red
Step 1 Use the template to draw the outline of the Iberian Peninsula onto the cardboard. Mark the border with Portugal.
Step 2 Tear the newspaper up into strips and some small pieces. You will need quite a lot.
Step 3 Put some flour in the bowl and add water a little at a time. Mix quickly to eliminate lumps. Keep adding water and mixing until you have a runny, sticky paste.
Step 4 Dip the pieces of newspaper in the paste and stick them to the cardboard covering the area corresponding to Spain.
Step 5 Use the maps in your book as a reference. Keep dipping and adding newspaper to form the plateaus, depressions and mountain ranges. Pay attention to the mountains. Some are higher than others!
Step 6 When you are happy with your model, leave it to dry. It may take a few days.
Step 7 Look at the maps again and paint the model to reflect the different elevations. Paint the major rivers on it. Use the key:
- Blue – water
- Orange – Mountains
- Green – low land
- Red – peaks
- Yellow – high land
Project 2: Spain’s mountain systems
Make an informative poster for your classroom wall.
- 1 large piece of card
- Glue
- Coloured pencils
- Pens and paper
Step 1 In groups, look at the maps in the book and choose one of the mountain systems or ranges for your project. Work together and listen to the opinions of the other members of your group.
Step 2 Decide what you want to research (geology: rocks, landforms, features, etc.; history: monuments, villages, trade, battles, etc.; nature: trees, plants, animals, conservation, etc.; activities: tourism, sports, outdoor activities, etc.)
Step 3 Share out the responsibilities. Each member of the group should have one or two topics to research.
Step 4 Individual work.
Use books or the Internet to research your topic. Try to print some pictures or draw them yourself. Write down the information. (Tip! Make sure you think before you write. Your writing must be easy to read and neat. Take pride in your work.)
Step 5 Group work.
Write a title on the card in large letters. Stick the information and pictures onto the poster. Work together to decide where to put each item.
Step 6 Put the poster on the classroom wall.